N-TECH Design is a Sole Proprietorship registered with the RCS of Arras (SIRET: 509 166 302 00026) with its registered office at 88 rue de la Haye 62190 Lillers.

General information and scope of application

This Privacy Policy details N-TECH Design's management policy regarding personal data.

It aims to inform you of the conditions under which N-TECH Design collects personal data, the reasons for which this data is collected, the use made of it and your rights of access and rectification of it.

It applies to all information provided by yourself or collected by N-TECH Design, with the exception of data concerning your browsing on the website.

Type of data processed

You may be required to communicate personal data to N-TECH Design, in particular when creating a customer account, ordering products or subscribing to our newsletter.

N-TECH Design is required to process your personal data (name, first name) and your contact details (telephone number, email address, address).

Purposes of data collection

N-TECH Design processes the data collected for the following purposes:

  • Processing and monitoring orders
  • Communication of information and commercial prospecting messages relating to products and services (email newsletter)
  • Management of your subscriptions/unsubscriptions
  • Administrative and accounting management

Data retention periods

The data is retained for a period that does not exceed the period necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

For order management, the data collected is retained for the purposes of processing your order, then for the legal limitation period.

For marketing or communication actions, the data is retained until the end of the commercial relationship.

Data recipients

Your personal data is only intended for the N-TECH Design departments concerned by your requests, and any subcontractors responsible for executing orders.

There is no transfer outside the European Union, except in cases strictly provided for by the regulations.

Data security

In order to preserve the confidentiality and security of the personal data processed and prevent them from being distorted, damaged, destroyed or accessed by unauthorized third parties, they are stored on a single secure database and internal organizational measures at N-TECH Design have been put in place for this purpose.

This database is hosted, secured and managed by a company specializing in this field, OVH, located at this address:


2 Rue Kellermann

59100 Roubaix

Your rights regarding your data

You have rights regarding your personal data and its processing, you can:

  • Find out what personal data we have about you and, if necessary, obtain a copy
  • Require us to correct any errors in your personal data
  • Require us to erase certain data
  • Request that we communicate your personal data to you or to another service provider in a simple and structured format
  • Object at any time to the processing of your personal data for marketing or direct communication purposes
  • Object to the continued processing of your personal data
  • Ask us to limit or interrupt the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances

You can exercise your rights with the Data Protection Officer of the individual company N-Tech in the following manner:

- By using the contact form contact available on the site, "Contact us" section.

- By post to the following address:


88 Rue de la Haye



You also have the right to file a complaint with the CNIL by email (see terms and conditions on https://www.cnil.fr/fr/plaintes/) or by post to the following address:


3 place de Fontenoy

TSA 80715

75334 Paris Cedex 07

In order to protect your privacy, in the event of a complaint, we will need to identify you by asking you for a copy of an identity document.